Legal notice concerning personal data – online form
These forms enable us to receive, manage and answer general questions. Completion of the CONTACT form, QUOTATION REQUEST form or other forms is entirely voluntary and based on consent. Consent is freely revocable. If you are under 16 years of age, you must ensure that your parents (or a legal guardian) have given you their prior consent before providing us with your data. While it is not compulsory to provide the information requested on these forms, if your details are missing or inaccurate, we will be unable to send you a reply. This data is processed by the ATELIERS 3S data controller – Rue Verte, ZI de LADOUX 63118 CEBAZAT -FRANCE. We will publish the contact details for our Data Protection Officer once the CNIL has published the official appointment procedures.
Your rights:
You have the right to access and, where necessary, rectify and delete your data. You also have the right to object to the collection of your data. In accordance with Article 32 of the law of 7th October 2016, all data subjects also have the right to give instructions concerning the fate of their personal data after their death. You may exercise each of these rights by sending your request, together with a copy of a valid ID document, to the data controller’s address. In accordance with your right to portability, your regular requests for access will be met by providing a copy of your information in a standard digital format. You also have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority about the processing or filing of your personal data.
Recipients and retention period:
The information you provide on the CONTACT and QUOTATION REQUEST forms is intended solely for ATELIERS 3S. None of the information transmitted via this form will be transferred outside the European Union. If you have sent us your information exclusively via this form, we are likely to keep it for a maximum of one year after your last use of the form. At the end of this period, your information will be deleted from our databases. If you have sent us your information via multiple means and/or on more than one occasion, this retention period may be extended accordingly.
Ownership of the website
French Société par actions simplifiée à associé unique (simplified joint stock company with a sole shareholder) with a capital of € 10 000 000,00
Head Office: Rue Verte,
Tel. +33 (0)4 73 88 59 50
Fax +33 (0)4 73 73 39 25
RCS: Clermont-Ferrand B 531 169 142
SIRET: 531 169 142 00035
APE Code: 2433Z
VAT N°: FR 71 531 169 142
Identification of the website host
FB Digital
Rue Fontaine de Geste – BP 21
43100 Brioude
Tel. +33 (0)4 86 68 60 00
If you have any complaints about the website, please contact:
By phone:
+33 (0)4 73 88 59 50 from 8am to 12pm – 2pm to 6pm
By email:
By post:
ATELIERS 3S, Rue Verte,
Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (French Data Protection Authority)
CNIL declaration number: in progress